"... been a long time, been a long time, been a lonely lonely lonely long time.."
Well, if you read this blog, the chances are that you know me and know the story about the fast and unsteady as well. Carrying on in the same vein, here I am again!
I have got myself a nice office room at my institute all to myself. It is heaven, as long as it lasts!
I am going to write about random things today. Maybe about the snake which crossed the road in front of me the other day, maybe about the bookshelf in my new room which I can't open, maybe about the guy who is supposed to come looking for me with stuff... but who never ever manages to turn up... maybe about the bottle of water without water which I would dearly like you to fill up for me.... and then again, maybe not!
Did you know that I love writing on a chalk board? I am sure you did not. But what the hell!
Did you know that the last book I read was John Steinbeck's East of Eden? Now you think I am showing off... well.... maybe I am. so?
There is a nice breeze blowing outside today. The sort that makes you want to walk. And chances are that if you knew me, you would know I like to take walks. Even if you did not, I told you....
At any rate, walking is better than talking to you now!