Goodbye and thanks for all the ......... fish?
Last night in Cambridge. Will leave tomorrow for Oxford to drop by at a friend's place and see the place.. you don't need the details, but you have them already!
Last night in Cambridge. Will leave tomorrow for Oxford to drop by at a friend's place and see the place.. you don't need the details, but you have them already!
In case you have not been to UK, and in case you have not heard of the wonderful English weather, (first is likely, second is, to put it mildly, unheard of) it is a disaster that happens practically everyday. And on the days the sun actually comes out, so do the people. The clothes stay mostly indoors though! I am what a physicist or a mathematician would say analytically continuing to times when its warm. Coming back to more practical terms, it is bloody cold for September here! I can hear the wind roar outside my window. The bed seems a rather inviting option right now. The day has been wet and windy and there have been brief patches of sunshine. I even saw a rainbow!
b.t.w. have i told you that the English are horrid cooks? guess if you happen not to be a stranger, you have borne the brunt of my complaining self!! I shed tears for chicken curry, cried buckets for mutton curry... i choked..yes literally choked, on a beef steak. And with it, my wonderful relation with all cows in the world hit an all-time low. The Hindu somewhere deep down in me revolted and presented me a moment, albeit brief, of being pious and thinking of cows differently. That leaves ham and fish.. so, one can give it to Douglas Adams, as I have done above....
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