Sunday, January 20, 2008

An Incomplete Murder!

I am a serial killer.... and at the moment I am thinking of killing the person in charge of our computer system. You would ask how can a person possibly take up the job of managing the computer system of a bunch of serial killers and in answering that the whole blog is going to go downhill. This was supposed to be a brilliant metaphor and an excellent post but our pathetic Internet speed has screwed up my mood!

So,.... I was supposed to tell you about the contract killer that I am. I was going to tell you that there was this particular thing that I was assigned to kill and how it kept evading me for months. The moment I thought that I had the bastard nailed, there was some divine (?!) intervention and the chap would escape. I even had the gun ready for a while. Now I guess the bullet is finally through the brain. But as they say,- it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Where I live, there sure is a dearth of women. But, I dare say, I have a feeling I would find what I am looking for.

This is a scattered post.. I am hoping to put the final nails into the bugger's coffin on Monday. Once that is done, I can come back and give you a bit more of the gory details of the murder.

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