Sunday, September 02, 2007

Goodbye to Garcia

Decided to do a little editing to the name of my blog.. guess my frequent visitors have noticed. In case you fall under the un(?)fortunate class of people who do not read my blog regularly,- you have not missed the missing "foretold". Yeah, I have come down from that high Marquezical platform and realized that I am starving now.. it is a hard reality,- this. The last month the food in the mess (that's where i eat) was a proverbial mess. Something to write home about every day. There was arhar dal, and arhar dal and arhar dal. And for variations, you had arhar dal,- with tomatoes... now you can't beat that can you?

T.S. Eliot once wrote...
"There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create"

For the sake of the mess managers, who incidentally happen to be my friends, I hope Eliot is wrong,- about the murder bit at least. Can't hang people for their sense of food, can you? Well I know people have burnt for a lot less.. but i am no Hitler. So my form of expression to oppression is silently removing a word from my Blog name. You could argue that I could be a bit more silent with it. But, hell,- what else is a blog for?

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